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Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a specific intervention used to treat and reduce the effects of negative experiences we've been through.

ART uses rapid eye movements to access the parts of the brain that store images & sensations connected to our memories, in order to:

  • Learn more about where our patterns came from

  • Uncover the roots of the feelings, thoughts and behaviors we struggle with

  • Relax and relieve negative sensations associated with negative memories

  • Decrease intrusive thoughts about distressing events or upsetting images

  • Prevent being triggered by memories

  • Transform the responses that doesn't serve us (such as fear, self-blame, etc.)

  • Make new meanings of the events and empower ourselves to heal

  • Find resolution and closure

  • Improve symptoms of PTSD, phobias, anxiety, depression, grief, and many more

What I love about ART:

  • How quickly people see results (typically 1-5 sessions) and how versatile it is

  • That you decide how little or much you want to talk about the upsetting memories

  • How many people leave feeling relaxed and smiling after ART, even when they came in with uncertainty or fear about the process

Check out the ART website to learn more.

*ART is not hypnotherapy

ART sessions are structured differently than a typical therapy session.

They must be done in-person at my office in Northampton, MA.